B Company is a multifaceted platform offering a wide spectrum of domain specific consultancy services to clients in the hospitality industry. A hospitality brand is the sum total of the intangible and tangible attributes that set apart a property from the competitors in its market segment- ambience, price and the overall packaging in terms of its processes.
Our core team comprises of hospitality professionals with extensive experience in market research and feasibility studies, strategic business planning, concept development, turnkey project implementation and technical consultation, besides marketing and sales.
The solutions B Company provides are unique for every project that we undertake, solutions that are customized to meet specific requirements unique to the business life cycle of each property. Regardless of whether a client is building a property from ground up, renovating or re-branding an existing hotel, striving to streamline and optimize processes seeking to improve performance, B Company will strategize, source and synthesize ensuring operational efficiencies and outstanding hospitality experiences, eventually contributing to the bottom line.